
Everyone needs a reference page!


W3C Validator
Every great web developer knows that valid code is good code. W3C provides a validator to ensure your HTML is valid.

W3C Schools
W3C Schools is a great resource for beginning web developers and as a reference for many different coding languages including HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


CSS-Tricks provides code snippets, tutorials, and videos for all your advanced CSS needs! They also offer HTML, JavaScript, and many more.

CSS Lint Validator
CSS Lint Validator tears your CSS apart and finds just about every error possible. There is a plethora of validation options you can manage.

W3C CSS Validator
Valid CSS code is just as important as valid HTML. W3C also offers a CSS validator to aid you.

Art Galleries

deviantArt contains thousands of high quality art work by artists from all over the world! It's a great resource for tutorials for beginning artists and photographers as well.

If you search right, you can find excellent image galleries from amazing artists and photographers.


"WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app."
Wordpress is a great and simply CMS to use for various kinds of projects. There are plenty of free and paid plugins for almost any purpose. Themes, free or paid, are abundant and easy to modify if you have knowledge of HTML, CSS, and PHP.

"MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia."
Mediawiki is a great tool for open collaboration. It can be a very complicated tool, but it works great when properly implemented.

Misc. Links
